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Can Millennials Afford Homes in the U.S.?

Millennials are a generation of people born between the years 1981 and 1996. They are currently between the ages of 26 and 41. As of 2019, there are approximately 71.2 Million Millennials in the United States, making up 22% of the population, serving as the largest generation in the U.S. to date. As a Millennial, I was privileged to become a…

Dear Data 2: A Week of Complaints

My second attempt at Dear Data covered the complaints I made within a week. This time around, out of convenience, I collected my data in a Google sheet. The following were topic and supporting questions that helped guide my data collection: What are my complaints? What annoys or frustrates me? What do I find unacceptable/unsatisfactory?…

Module 4: Datawrapper & Maps

Maps are one of the most common data visualization forms we use today. Used to highlight geographical regions in data, like “countries/regions, states, counties, or postal codes,” maps help quickly identify the area that is being reported on and sometimes incorporate specific details.  Although once performed by hand, creating maps can be time-consuming and tedious,…

Dear Data 1: A Week of Food

Dear Data is a project by two information designers, Giorgia Lupi and Stefanie Posavec, involving the collection of data from their daily lives on postcards and mailing them to one another. On the front of each postcard is their chosen data visualization, and the back features a key detailing how to read the data. Much like popular…

Module Two: The Four Types of Information Visuals

When visualizing information, selecting a decent chart or graph type to display your data may seem like a no-brainer. We often throw things together quickly, choosing a chart type on impulse. It might surprise you that this is not the ideal approach to visualizing information. In fact, a better practice involves asking yourself a couple of…

Module One: An Introduction to Data Visualization

The Significance of Data Visualization Over thousands of years, humans have developed and perfected the practice of collecting and analyzing data. Over time, we have found that data is a valuable asset that empowers people and organizations to identify problems, gather accurate information, and make informed decisions. Data collection and analysis are highly effective. Even…

Course Capstone – The Pitch

As a millennial, graphic designer, and all-around creative, I have always had a relationship with social media both, personally and professionally. However, I didn’t grow my understanding of social media as a practice until recently. This semester I took a course called Social Media Practice, which exposed me to the underworkings of building a strong…

Paid Ad Campaigns

The Pros and Cons of Social Media Advertising In recent years, social media advertisements have become very popular, creating opportunities for brands to reach audiences without breaking the bank. In many cases, social media advertising proves more effective than organic posts, as “social media is cheaper than any form of advertising available today” and paid campaigns…

Module Six: Telling a Story I – Mini Doc (Pre-Production)

Reading & Writing This week, in preparation for telling a story in mini-documentary format, I read chapters 7 and 9 in Tom Schroeppel’s The Bare Bones Camera Course for Film and Video. Here are my learnings from both chapters: Chapter 7: Lighting This chapter covers exterior Lighting, interior lighting, and basic lighting setup. Considering exterior lighting, the…


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